Affiliation to MPSA and SAPSA

MPSA affiliation is from 01 January to 31 December

MPSA Affiliation fees for 2024
Single Affiliation: R450
Family Affiliation R450 main member
  R225 per dependent

SAPSA affiliation is from 1 April to 31 March

SAPSA Affiliation fees for 2024
Single Affiliation: R1150
Family Affiliation R1150 main member
  R575 spouse
Pensioner R920 (65 years and older)
Pensioner Spouse R460 (65 years and older)
Junior R575 (under age of 21 years)

New Member Affiliation

If you are a member of an IPSC club in the province and you decided to affiliate to MPSA and SAPSA do the following:

  • As soon as you think you are ready to participate in Provincial league shoots and have enough knowledge of the IPSC rules, apply to shoot provincial competitions through the Chairman of your club, if he/she is satisfy that you are ready then;

  • apply for affiliation by click on the registration link Apply button on the right side in the right column or under the Document page and complete the registration proses.

  • Pay your Affiliation fees MPSA and SAPSA (see tables above) in the following account:
    Name: MPSA
    Bank: ABSA
    Branch: 632 005
    Acc No: 406 753 7692
    Reference: (Name and Surname)

  • Send proof of payment to the secretary at

  • The Province will send you an affiliation letter.

Existing Affiliated MPSA and SAPSA Members

  • Complete the Registration link

  • Pay your Affiliation fees MPSA (see table above)

  • E-mail proof of payment to the secretary at

  • The Province will send you an affiliation letter

  • Members must reregister before the first League for MPSA and before end of February for SAPSA.

You can expect the following benefits due to affiliation (and active participation)

•  Improve your firearm skills
•  Build confidence in firearm reliability
•  Compete in regular provincial leagues
•  Access to well kept ranges where safety is a priority
•  Receive updates on legislation
•  Dedicated sport shooter status
•  Opportunity to earn provincial colors
•  Opportunity to earn national colors

Upcoming Events
2024-07-20 - Shotgun league #2 Vector
2024-07-27/28 - SA Shotgun Champs
2024-08-03 - Handgun/PCC league #3
2024-08-3/10 - Rifle World Shoot
2024-09-07 - Handgun/PCC league #4

Latest News
League #2 - Results added
Shotgun League #1 added @Teks

Downloads and Registrations
Register for Shotgun League #2: Register
Course of Fire Shotgun L#2: Download
Register for HG/PCCLeague #3: Soon
HG/PCC League #2 COF: Soon

Affiliation Registration link: 2024
Apply or Renew MPSA Affiliation: Apply
Apply of Renew SAPSA Affiliation: Apply

SAGA Snippets

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  July 2023   Jan 2024  April 2024