Results 2016 - Handgun League

Date League Stage/Match Click to View
2016-09-10 League #5 - Teks Match View
2016-09-10 League #5 - Teks Match per Region View
2016-09-10 League #5 - Teks Stages View
2016-09-10 League #5 - Teks Course of Fire View
2016-07-9/10 SA Champs Round 2 Match View
2016-07-9/10 SA Champs Round 2 Stages View
2016-07-9/10 SA Champs Round 2 Teams View
2016-06-11 League #4 - White River Match View
2016-06-11 League #4 - White River Stages View
2016-06-11 League #4 - White River Course of Fire View
2016-05-14 League #3 - Polokwane Match View
2016-05-14 League #3 - Polokwane Stages Soon
2016-05-14 League #3 & Interprov Teams View
2016-05-14 League #3 & Interprov Match View
2016-05-14 League #3 & Interprov Stages View
2016-05-14 League #3 & Interprov Course of Fire View
2016-04-23 League #2 - Teks Match View
2016-04-23 League #2 - Teks Stages View
2016-04-23 League #2 -Teks Course of Fire View
2016-02-06 League #1 - Piet Retief Match View
2016-02-06 League #1 - Piet Retief Stages View
2016-02-06 League #1 - Piet Retief Course of Fire View

Upcoming Events
2024-07-20 - Shotgun league #2 Vector
2024-07-27/28 - SA Shotgun Champs
2024-08-03 - Handgun/PCC league #3
2024-08-3/10 - Rifle World Shoot
2024-09-07 - Handgun/PCC league #4

Latest News
League #2 - Results added
Shotgun League #1 added @Teks

Downloads and Registrations
Register for Shotgun League #2: Register
Course of Fire Shotgun L#2: Download
Register for HG/PCCLeague #3: Soon
HG/PCC League #2 COF: Soon

Affiliation Registration link: 2024
Apply or Renew MPSA Affiliation: Apply
Apply of Renew SAPSA Affiliation: Apply

SAGA Snippets

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